Friday, June 7, 2019

Landed in Ft. Lauderdale

Our flight was incredibly bumpy.  And at one point Mimi half yelled, “If we don’t all die, this is kind of fun!”   Pretty sure the boy sitting in the row next to us disagreed with her.  He ended up using used three vomit bags.  

After we finally landed and were collecting our luggage, Poppy discovered an interesting Native   American display. 

We walked quite a ways to get to the ground transportation area where we then waited for the hotel shuttle to pick us up and take us to the Embassy Suites. 

The hotel had a nice tropical island vibe. 

When we checked in, the receptionist told Shannon that there was a plumbing issue with one of our rooms so we would have to stay on separate floors instead of next door to each other as we had originally requested.  

We headed to our respective rooms with a plan to meetagain after  we had dropped off our suitcases.   Shortly after Mimi discovered that her and Poppy’s room was right across from the eleveator which she was concerned might be too noisy.  Poppy went down to talk to the front desk and was able to get them moved to a new room. However when they arrived at this second room, they discovered that it was also right in front of the elevator bank on the opposite side of the hotel.  This time Mimi went to speak to the front desk herself and ended up with an slightly upgraded room that happened to be on Ross and Shannon’s floor. 

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